Showing 26 - 50 of 255 Results
G. W. F. Hegel's Theory of Right, Duties and Religion: With a Supplementary Essay on Hegel's... by Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedr... ISBN: 9781436855600 List Price: $18.95
Lectures on the Philosophy of History, Tr. by J. Sibree by Hegel, Georg Wilhelm F. ISBN: 9781150267604 List Price: $43.43
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel's Werke: Vollstndige Ausgabe Durch Einen Verein Von Freunden D... by Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich ISBN: 9781142926618 List Price: $37.75
Philosophie De L'esprit De Hgel, Tr. [From Pt. 3 of the Encyklopdie Der Philosophischen Wiss... by Hegel, Georg Wilhelm F. ISBN: 9781143143991 List Price: $44.75
The Wisdom and Religion of a German Philosopher; Being Selections From the Writings of G. W.... by Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich ISBN: 9780217728546 List Price: $20.00
Operation Pastorius: Sabotage, Nazi Germany, Wilhelm Canaris, Ernst Peter Burger, Herbert Ha... by Surhone, Lambert M., Timple... ISBN: 9786130384524 List Price: $47.00
Bericht ber Die Fortschritte Der Anotomie Und Physiologie ... 1856-71 (German Edition) by Henle, Jacob, Keferstein, W... ISBN: 9781144034779 List Price: $32.75
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel's Phanomenologie Des Geistes (1841) (German Edition) by Hegel, Georg Wilhelm F., Sc... ISBN: 9781104753979 List Price: $44.95
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel's Phanomenologie Des Geistes (1841) (German Edition) by Hegel, Georg Wilhelm F., Sc... ISBN: 9781104832001 List Price: $59.95
Lectures on the History of Philosophy: The Lectures of 1825-26 Medieval and Modern Philosoph... by Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedr... ISBN: 9780520068124 List Price: $65.00
Natural Law: The Scientific Ways of Treating Natural Law, Its Place in Moral Philosophy, and... by G. W. F. Hegel, Georg Wilhe... ISBN: 9780812276930 List Price: $39.95
Hegel on the Arts Selections from G.W F. Hegel's Aesthetics, or the Philosophy of Fine Art by Paolucci, Henry, Paolucci, ... ISBN: 9780918680969 List Price: $19.95
Darstellung Der Arabischen Verskunst. Mit 6 Anhaengen (German Edition) by Freytag, Georg Wilhelm F. ISBN: 9781142383022 List Price: $40.75
Bericht ber Die Fortschritte Der Anotomie Und Physiologie ... 1856-71 (German Edition) by Henle, Jacob, Keferstein, W... ISBN: 9781144809704 List Price: $38.75
La Potique [The Part Dealing with Poetry of Cours D'esthtique, the Editor's Tr. of Vorlesung... by Hegel, Georg Wilhelm F. ISBN: 9781142032920 List Price: $34.75
Briefwechsel Zwischen W. Olbers Und F. W. Bessel V2 (1852) (German Edition) by Olbers, Wilhelm, Bessel, Fr... ISBN: 9781160813846 List Price: $36.95
La Potique [The Part Dealing with Poetry of Cours D'esthtique, the Editor's Tr. of Vorlesung... by Hegel, Georg Wilhelm F. ISBN: 9781147885408 List Price: $39.75
Einleitung in Das Studium Der Arabischen Sprache Bis Mohammed Und Zum Theil Spter: Zum Allge... by Freytag, Georg Wilhelm Frie... ISBN: 9781148321776 List Price: $40.75
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel's Werke: Vollstndige Ausgabe Durch Einen Verein Von Freuden De... by Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich ISBN: 9781148118222 List Price: $45.75
Additamentum In F. G. W. Struve Mensuras Micrometricas Stellarum Duplicium Editas Anno 1837 ... by Struve, Friedrich Georg Wil... ISBN: 9781168297129 List Price: $12.76
Briefwechsel Zwischen W. Olbers Und F. W. Bessel V2 (1852) (German Edition) by Olbers, Wilhelm, Bessel, Fr... ISBN: 9781160969345 List Price: $51.95
Judith Butler: Post- structuralism, Ethics, Political philosophy, Queer theory, Feminism, Rh... by Miller, Frederic P., Vandom... ISBN: 9786130630805 List Price: $71.00
Bericht ber Die Fortschritte Der Anotomie Und Physiologie ... 1856-71 (German Edition) by Henle, Jacob, Keferstein, W... ISBN: 9781145984660 List Price: $45.75
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